You could create a Windows scheduled task (taskschd.msc) at each master computer.
The idea would be to maintain a master configuration file in a shared network folder having read access for the EVERYONE group. The scheduled task would be configured to use the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account (SYSTEM) and run as a batch file from within the same shared network folder at user log on.
First, create a global master computer containing all room and computer information. This could be done through importing various room level .csv data files.
veyon-cli networkobjects import \\servername\sharename\foldername\Room_A.csv format "%type%;%name%;%host%;%mac%"
veyon-cli networkobjects import \\servername\sharename\foldername\Room_B.csv format "%type%;%name%;%host%;%mac%"
veyon-cli networkobjects import \\servername\sharename\foldername\Room_C.csv format "%type%;%name%;%host%;%mac%"
veyon-cli networkobjects import \\servername\sharename\foldername\Room_D.csv format "%type%;%name%;%host%;%mac%"
Next, export the global master computer configuration.
veyon-cli config export \\servername\sharename\foldername\mstrcnfg.txt
Finally, updmaster.bat will contain;
veyon-cli config clear
veyon-cli config import \\servername\sharename\foldername\mstrcnfg.txt