Ubuntu 18-04 : no veyon service when user logs in
The issue happens with Ubuntu mate 18-04, Veyon installed from ppa (4.1.7-1)
The problem is :
In veyon master, I can see the client PCs when no user is logged (I see lightdm login screen, and I can take control of the PC).
But as soon as a user logs in on client, computer becomes "red" in veyon-master, and I can't connect to it anymore.Below are some informations about tests I did, in case they could be usefull :
Result for "ps aux | grep veyon" on PC, before a user logs in :
root 2313 1.6 0.6 370832 27004 ? Ssl 10:20 0:00 /usr/bin/veyon-service root 2531 0.5 0.7 376180 31304 ? Sl 10:20 0:00 /usr/bin/veyon-server lightdm 2533 1.3 0.7 513528 32000 ? Sl 10:20 0:00 /usr/bin/veyon-worker {8e997d84-ebb9-430f-8f72-d45d9821963d}
Result for "ps aux | grep veyon" on PC, after testuser has logged in :
root 2313 0.5 0.6 370832 27008 ? Ssl 10:20 0:00 /usr/bin/veyon-service testuser 2814 1.6 1.1 736420 47364 ? Sl 10:22 0:00 /usr/bin/veyon-worker {8e997d84-ebb9-430f-8f72-d45d9821963d}
Of course, I add a veyon-svc.desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart/, which launches veyon-ctl service start.
I got popup windows (2 or 3) at session start, asking for root password. Typing the root password didn't change anything.I tried to add those lines in /etc/sudoers too ("Etudiants" and "Utilisateurs" are LDAP groups containing all my users) :
Cmnd_Alias VEYON_CMDS = /usr/bin/veyon-server start, /usr/bin/veyon-ctl service start, /usr/bin/veyon-service -quiet -startservice %Etudiants ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: VEYON_CMDS %Utilisateurs ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: VEYON_CMDS
Nothing changes ( in fact, the only change was I only got one popup window for root password)
I tried to use command line in user session to see what it did :
Result for sudo veyon-ctl service start :
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root' No protocol specified qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0.0 Could not connect to any X display.
Result for : sudo /usr/bin/veyon-service -quiet -startservice :
2019-03-26T11:27:16.167: [WARN] Environment for session "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c4" not yet available - retrying in 1000 msecs
(looping message)
Just for the record : I'm not new to Veyon : I already use it with ubuntu 16-04 and .deb veyon 4.0.4 package, and in other Win10 rooms. They work fine.
Have you got a solution for me ?
Thanks for your job
ET -
Waiting for an answer, I red these pages :
https://github.com/veyon/veyon/issues/305I adapted my installation method/configuration, but always the same issue (I tried veyon_4.1.91-ubuntu-bionic_amd64.deb too).
On the blog page (which, I'm conscient, is a little bit "old"), you talk about veyon-server and veyon-service, but nothing about this veyon-worker I can see in 'ps aux' when a user logs in.
But what I can see, is that veyon server disappears from processes list when a user is looged in (probably the cause for the issue).
Can anybody tell me if he managed to get veyon working with ubuntu 18-04 ? I'm preparing my room's configuration for next academic year, and I really need to know if I can count on veyon or not.
I must confess, I'm a little bit worriedThanks
ET -
A little precision (maybe useful ?) :
It seems to work fine for lightdm user :
As we can see in my previous posts, when PCs are on login screen (no user logged in), we can see three processes :root 2313 1.6 0.6 370832 27004 ? Ssl 10:20 0:00 /usr/bin/veyon-service root 2531 0.5 0.7 376180 31304 ? Sl 10:20 0:00 /usr/bin/veyon-server lightdm 2533 1.3 0.7 513528 32000 ? Sl 10:20 0:00 /usr/bin/veyon-worker {8e997d84-ebb9-430f-8f72-d45d9821963d}
I suppose it's exactly what we should see with a logged user.
If I tryservice veyon-service start
In my user session, it asks for root password.
I finally found where the issue comes from :
My users home directory are on an NFS server. The local root account has no rights on their home.
I suppose veyon tries to write something in user's home, and that's why it fails starting service.Could you give me some details about this, so I could try to find a way to make it work ?
ET -
Sorry for the confusion. Even though the figures at http://docs.veyon.io/en/latest/admin/introduction.html#components are outdated the information below are up to date and should give you an idea of the involved processes. Do you still have questions regarding the processes?