Ability to configure enabled/disabled feature buttons with veyon-cli : issue and suggestion
Using Veyon-4.8.2 on ubuntu 22.04
I automated the whole veyon installation/configuration for my rooms, but I've got an issue about enabling or not buttons in veyon-master interface.
This is easy, using veyon-configurator. I did that, first, and then took a look at what it changes in veyon conf. I found this in the conf file (veyon-cli config export myfile) :"Features": { "DisabledFeatures": [ "{97a7f11a-6ac3-4e40-b33e-615d8689492a}", "{7310707d-3918-460d-a949-65bd152cb958}", "{d6b28921-2a8c-493c-a5b5-77bf2bfb721f}" ] },
Trying to get the same result with veyon-cli, but no way to find the syntax. I tried plenty of things like:
veyon-cli config set Features/DisabledFeatures "{97a7f11a-6ac3-4e40-b33e-615d8689492a}","{7310707d-3918-460d-a949-65bd152cb958}","{d6b28921-2a8c-493c-a5b5-77bf2bfb721f}" veyon-cli config set Features/DisabledFeatures ["{97a7f11a-6ac3-4e40-b33e-615d8689492a}" "{7310707d-3918-460d-a949-65bd152cb958}","{d6b28921-2a8c-493c-a5b5-77bf2bfb721f}"} ...
I tried replacing spaces with commas, semi colon, adding removing, or rearranging "[", "{", double quotes, simple quotes, escape characters... everything that seemed to make sense for me (even sometimes things, that make no sense, like redirect reading of a text file containing the right format to veyon-cli command...). Nothing works : no error on veyon-cli command, most of the time, but never found the right syntax in conf export file, and of course, changes don't appear in veyon-master ui, even closing ui and using veyon-cli service restart after every change.
If someone has an idea about the right syntax to get this working...
Suggestion :
Testing this, I discovered an option I didn't know about in veyon-cli : features. I thought I finally found the solution... but no ! It only allows to launch features on PCs, but not to enable/disable buttons in veyon-master.
I think, maybe, it would be possible to add this possibility with something like :
veyon-cli feature <feature-uid> showbutton (true or false)Thanks for reading
E. Trezel