Red when not loged in
we had at our school a very old version of Veyon. We made an update to 4.7.4, because we had problems with the the mouse not working after locking and unlocking the screens of the students.After the update the mouse-not-working-problem was much better, but there is now another problem. In some of our computer rooms the Computer (Win 7) gets red when nobody is loged in. After log in everything is ok.
Sometimes you see in this "critical rooms" in veyon the log in screen from Windows, but often not (red computer)
The main problem is: To shut down the computers when the last class has gone.
I tried: veyon-cli feature start PowerDownNow, but it only works, when I see the login screen in veyon. Wehen the computer is red, this doesn't work, too.
I can log in via ssh to the computer and netsat -a tells me, that port 11000 is active an sc query veyonservice tells me, that the service is running. I have no idea, where to look?
Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance.