Active Directory Integration
Greetings to all,
Using 4.7.4
I'm struggling trying to configure ldap settings so that we can use Veyon for teaching purposes in our Active Directory Domain (Windows Server 2016).
Documentation is somewhat confusing to me in the way it uses the terms "containers" and "groups" with no exact reference to corresponding objects in AD.
For example when testing Group tree (in Environment Settings tab) with no specification, I receive exactly the number of CN (container object) excluding OUs, adding a container results consequently; when testing a user's group membership it returns "real AD" groups.
If in "Advanced settings" I set a filter for "Filer for computer groups" as (CN=Computers) it returns 1 group, but if I set the same filter for "Filter for computers containers" it returnd no results; curiously computer actually are in the AD container "Computers", so it's not clear what should be intended as Container (by Veyon).
During various attempt and combination of settings, it turned that all pcs were considered as Location (containers?)....
At the end I have the AD container "Computers" matched as a "location", but I'm not able to get its PCs listed when doing integration tests, and obviously they do not appear in Veyon master.
Loking for pc given its ip address works.
It's not clear to me how Veyon determines computers membership to a location; in "Environments settings" there is a "group member attribute" but only AD groups (neither CN, nor OU) have a "member" attribute that lists their member through Distinguished Names, and pcs are just in the default "domain computers" group whose meber attribute is not populated.
Given I create a group (security? distribution?) and put pcs in (so i can resolve membership) how can I get that group matched as a "location"?
I tried to reproduce an AD environment similar to that showed in the only one tutorial regarding this subject I found (youtube), but to no extent; the video is from 2017 and some Veyon behaviuors may have changed or some AD configurations are missing.
Is there anyone tha can help me to understand better than I've done, or provide a link to documentation that explains in AD language?P.S.
I got it done using an unused attribute in computers object and setting identify computer locations through that attribute in "Adavanced settings". I think that a better comprehension could avoid this rough workaround