Can't connect to PC
I have just installed Master on one laptop, saved the config and imported on another laptop. The 2nd laptop, I put in Locations and Computer, name\IP\MAC. I see the icon but this is not my laptop in reality. I have no control over it.
I have probably missed something in setup. How do I get PCs into the master screen.
Are you using the latest version 4.7.4? Been helping a friend and seems that maybe the latest version has a bug or something. Installing an older version it started working immediately. This has also happened at another env where the latest version didn't allow me into any systems but installing an older version granted my access no problem.
Yes installed 4.7.4. I will try a different version. Should devices just "appear" or do you have to add them manulayy first?
The website says 4.7.4 is stable. I have tried it in school and still can't see my device but I may not be setting it up correctly. How do you get devices into Locations and Computers. And where would I get an older version of the software please?