Ask logged on user for permission on preview issue
I want to activate the notification to allow or not a master user to access a computer on the network, but if I activate the Ask logged on user for permission on the Access control menu I'm getting a lot of notification because on the master user it is showing the preview of all the pc. Is there any way to disable the preview or to ask permission only when the master user want's to connect to the client pc? -
@tobydox Because there are some regulations here that does not allow me as IT administrator to view the employees screen without permission. So it's very useful to disable the preview and for example view the icon with green screen (like the orange and red one) that tell's me the pc is online by maintaining the other thing as they are. I would hate to abandon this very well done software for this legal reason. I hope that you can add a checkmark in the configurator to do that. Thank you very much for your help!
@Alefunshow Or for example to view the preview only when I double click in the icon and the user give me the permission for the session.