Complete Full Name/Display Name doesn't display in thumbnail caption
I am seeing behavior that is not ideal in my environment regarding how user names are displayed in the thumbnail captions while monitoring. When a local user's 'Full Name' or an Active Directory user's 'Display Name' has a word in parentheses, the complete name doesn't display in the thumbnail caption while monitoring.
For example, if a user whose 'Full Name' (local account) or 'Display Name' (Active Directory account) is "John Doe (Support)" is logged into a computer named "COMPUTERNAME", the thumbnail caption in the 'Monitoring' section shows up as "Support) - COMPUTERNAME". For what it is worth, the user's Full Name/Display Name does display correctly (along with their user name) in the 'Computer rooms' section.
I don't see any place to modify what part of a Full Name/Display Name is displayed in the thumbnail caption. Does anyone know if is possible to configure this beyond the drop-down in the Master section of the Configurator? If this isn't possible, it would be awesome to have support for this in future builds.