Veyon Client takes 15 min to connect to Master - Version 4.5.0
I have Setup Veyon 4.5.0 on Master and Client. Master is configured to use LDAP. Everything works fine just that the Client takes 15 min for the initial handshake.
Below is what I see in VeyonServer.log Any Suggestion on how to speed this up will be of great help.
2020-11-18T07:39:05.530: [ERR] [UltraVNC] DWORD imp_desktop_thread(LPVOID) : OpenInputdesktop OK
--The parameter is incorrect.
2020-11-18T07:39:05.539: [ERR] [UltraVNC] void vncProperties::Load(BOOL) : ***** DBG - Entering Load
--The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
2020-11-18T07:39:05.542: [WARN] VariantStream: none or invalid data read
2020-11-18T07:39:05.542: [ERR] PersistentLogonCredentials: Empty data
2020-11-18T07:40:54.940: [ERR] [UltraVNC] virtual void* vncSockConnectThread::run_undetached(void*) : quitting socket connection thread
--A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.
2020-11-18T07:40:55.969: [ERR] [UltraVNC] VBool VSocket::Close() : closing socket
--No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2020-11-18T09:51:24.867: [WARN] LdapClient: LDAP bind failed: ""
2020-11-18T09:51:24.884: [ERR] [UltraVNC] DWORD imp_desktop_thread(LPVOID) : OpenInputdesktop OK
--The parameter is incorrect.
2020-11-18T09:51:24.885: [ERR] [UltraVNC] void vncProperties::Load(BOOL) : ***** DBG - Entering Load
--The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
2020-11-18T09:51:24.885: [WARN] VariantStream: none or invalid data read
2020-11-18T09:51:24.885: [ERR] PersistentLogonCredentials: Empty data
2020-11-18T09:52:12.031: [ERR] [UltraVNC] virtual void* vncSockConnectThread::run_undetached(void*) : quitting socket connection thread
--A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.
2020-11-18T09:52:13.053: [ERR] [UltraVNC] VBool VSocket::Close() : closing socket
--No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2020-11-18T09:55:00.242: [ERR] [UltraVNC] DWORD imp_desktop_thread(LPVOID) : OpenInputdesktop OK
--The parameter is incorrect.
2020-11-18T09:55:00.243: [ERR] [UltraVNC] void vncProperties::Load(BOOL) : ***** DBG - Entering Load
--The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
2020-11-18T09:55:51.636: [ERR] [UltraVNC] virtual void* vncSockConnectThread::run_undetached(void*) : quitting socket connection thread
--A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.
2020-11-18T09:55:52.792: [ERR] [UltraVNC] VBool VSocket::Close() : closing socket
--No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2020-11-18T09:55:55.001: [ERR] [UltraVNC] DWORD imp_desktop_thread(LPVOID) : OpenInputdesktop OK
--The parameter is incorrect.
2020-11-18T09:55:55.001: [ERR] [UltraVNC] void vncProperties::Load(BOOL) : ***** DBG - Entering Load
--The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
2020-11-18T10:07:28.268: [WARN] [UltraVNC] BOOL vncClientThread::CheckLoopBack() : loopback connection attempted - client accepted
2020-11-18T10:07:28.775: [ERR] [UltraVNC] DWORD vncDesktop::Startup() : InitVideo driver Called
--The system cannot find the file specified.
2020-11-18T10:07:28.870: [ERR] [UltraVNC] BOOL vncDesktop::InitWindow() : InitWindow called
--The parameter is incorrect.
2020-11-18T10:07:28.900: [ERR] [UltraVNC] BOOL vncDesktop::InitWindow() : OOOOOOOOOOOO start dispatch
--The specified module could not be found. -
It looks like you configured Veyon to use LDAP but the LDAP configuration itself seems to be incomplete (
2020-11-18T09:51:24.867: [WARN] LdapClient: LDAP bind failed: ""
after 10 minutes). Are you using access control rules or configured certain LDAP user groups to be allowed to access computers only? Can you try to switch the access control user backend to "Local groups" or temporarily disable access control completely?