Mass installation
You can use commandline.
Thats the way we did apply it on our 90 workstation & servers
In the documentation you can find all neccessary commands -
Hey Laura!
Are we talking about Windows Computers? Are they member of an Active Directory?
If can answer both with yes it´s really easy: Veyon can be installed by using a script which can be used as a startup script. By default (you can change this too if you want) Veyon is installed under C:\Program Files\Veyon so it´s a simple if exist query in your startup script:
if not exist "%Program Files%\Veyon" \server\share\installer.exe /S
Important! For a silent installation you must use the /S switch with UPPER letter, otherwise it´s not installing.
There are some more usefull switches
/NoMaster Just install the client
/ApplyConfig="\server\share\current.json" allows to specify your configurationI hope that´s usefull for you!