Veyon Config teacher desktop
I'm working with Windows 10 clients and Windows AD backend and Veyon (with AD-Backend) is working in general.
Is ist possible to configure Veyon, so that only teachers (AD group) can use the master (this part works) AND only clients are shown in the Master view, where students are logged in (but not teachers).
Lets assume that there areteacher accounts t1, and t2,
clients c01, c02, c03, c04
students st01 und st02on c01 is t1 sitting (teacher)
on c02 is t2 sitting (teacher)
on c03 is st01 sitting (stundent)
on c04 is st02 sitting (student)Teacher t1 on c01 starts the master and should seeonly the student clients (not c02 where t2 is sitting).
Is it possible to restrict access depending on the user logged in at the remote client? So if t2 and st01 are switching clients, c02 should be accessible from c01 and c03 should vanish oder not being accessbile from c01 (because now there's a teacher logged in).
Thank you!