veyon worker does not launch with ipa users
I'm a french teacher and I use Linux mint on my workstations.
All users and hosts are defined thanks to freeipa solution (a bundle
of applications partially based on LDAP)I have installed Veyon. All integration tests pass but unfortunatly I have an issue when connecting to a session as an IPA user.
Everything works fine when I log with local users ( admin and guest are my only 2 local users and both work well)
The Veyon logo appears and the Veyon processes are launched:root@workstation2:/tmp# ps -ef | grep veyon
root 48478 1 0 13:46 ? 00:00:19 /usr/bin/veyon-service
root 55105 48478 0 14:48 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/catchsegv /usr/bin/veyon-server
root 55107 55105 1 14:48 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/veyon-server
admin 55151 55107 1 14:48 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/veyon-worker {8e997d84-ebb9-430f-8f72-d45d9821963d}*but when I log as an IPA user session the Veyon icon does not appears nor the ipa worker.
root@workstation2:/tmp# ps -ef | grep veyon
root 48478 1 0 13:46 ? 00:00:17 /usr/bin/veyon-serviceThe Veyon master can't, of course, connect to this workstation session.
Here is the log of the workstation when I connect with an IPA user.
2022-07-01T14:42:21.065: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "AuthKeys" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.065: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "BuiltinX11VncServer" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.065: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "BuiltinDirectory" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.066: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "Demonstration" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.066: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "DesktopServices" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.066: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "ExternalVncServer" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.067: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "FileTransfer" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.072: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "LDAP Basic" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.073: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "PowerControl" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.073: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "RemoteAccess" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.073: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "ScreenLock" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.074: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "Screenshot" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.074: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "SystemUserGroups" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.074: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "TextMessage" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.074: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "UserSessionControl" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.075: [DEBUG] PluginManager::loadPlugins(): discovered plugin "WebAPI" at "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/veyon/"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.075: [DEBUG] VeyonCore::initSystemInfo(): "4.7.3" "workstation2.nsi.lan" "linux" "5.4.0-58-generic" "Linux Mint 20.2" "linuxmint" "20.2"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.088: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] connection closed!
2022-07-01T14:42:21.088: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] ldap url: "ldap://"
2022-07-01T14:42:21.089: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] setting version to: 3
2022-07-01T14:42:21.089: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] setting timeout to: 0
2022-07-01T14:42:21.089: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] setting security to: 0
2022-07-01T14:42:21.089: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] setting sizelimit to: 0
2022-07-01T14:42:21.089: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] setting timelimit to: 0
2022-07-01T14:42:21.089: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] initializing SASL client
2022-07-01T14:42:21.089: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] binding to server, bindname: "uid=ldapbind,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=nsi,dc=lan" password: *****
2022-07-01T14:42:21.089: [DEBUG] [KLDAP] ldap_sasl_bind_s (simple)
2022-07-01T14:42:21.091: [DEBUG] FeatureWorkerManager::startUnmanagedSessionWorker(): Starting worker (unmanaged session process) for feature QUuid("{8e997d84-ebb9-430f-8f72-d45d9821963d}")
2022-07-01T14:42:21.094: [DEBUG] VncProxyServer::start(): started on port 11105
2022-07-01T14:42:21.094: [DEBUG] VncServer::prepare():
2022-07-01T14:42:21.094: [DEBUG] VncServer::run(): running
2022-07-01T14:42:21.111: [DEBUG] LogonHelper::checkPendingLogonTasks(): Reading logon credentials
2022-07-01T14:42:21.111: [WARN] VariantStream::read(): none or invalid data read
2022-07-01T14:42:21.111: [ERR] PersistentLogonCredentials::read(): Empty data
2022-07-01T14:42:21.111: [DEBUG] VeyonCore::exec(): Running
2022-07-01T14:42:21.287: [DEBUG] FeatureWorkerManager::acceptConnection(): accepting connection
2022-07-01T14:42:24.620: [DEBUG] FeatureWorkerManager::closeConnection(): removing worker after socket has been closedI've digged the rabbit hole but now I'm stucked. I've tried to find similar issues on the Veyon's forum and by googling without success.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Anyone ?
@yves-cadour I guess this is the output found in /tmp/VeyonServer.log ? It looks fine so is it possible to run
manually in that sessions? Does it make any difference? Where are the home directories located for IPA users? NFS? Samba? -
Sorry no to answer earlier, I think this summer I missed the notification of your reply.
I will run the veyon-master manually at school tomorrow to give a try.
The users home directory is located on an NFS server. The home directory is automatically mounted at connection with autofs.