Visualisation student screen on master
I configure veyon master for teatcher and veyon for studend
when i start veyon master on teacher's computer i see all the computers students but only on session windows close (veyon says that nobody is loggued on the computer.
i configure only veyon with control access without private et public key.
will i forget something ?
Thank's for answers -
No it's not a problem
To use Veyon with RDP sessions you have to enable multi session mode ( and access computers via the corresponding network ports, e.g. add computers with hostname "192.168.....:11101" to access the first RDP session, "192.168.....:11102" for the second RDP session and so on. Make sure to use Veyon 4.5.1 or a newer version. When working with RDP sessions it's recommended to use the NetworkDiscovery add-on which can also scan for sessions and provide them in Veyon Master dynamically.