Setup with AD
Hi, I'm setting this application up at work for classrooms and I have it where I want it as far a features go but in my test I've manually set up a location and saved the config file which looks like:
"BuiltinDirectory": { "NetworkObjects": { "JsonStoreArray": [ { "Name": "WO11test", "Type": 2, "Uid": "{5be888ff-27d4-42c4-8541-76f5c1d87fc2}" }, { "HostAddress": "WO1100-721wsw", "Name": "TestPC", "ParentUid": "{5be888ff-27d4-42c4-8541-76f5c1d87fc2}", "Type": 3, "Uid": "{87f72f39-c729-4773-9219-f316d9082a24}" }, { "HostAddress": "WO1100-293wsw", "Name": "Teacher", "ParentUid": "{5be888ff-27d4-42c4-8541-76f5c1d87fc2}", "Type": 3, "Uid": "{af2f65f5-367d-43ea-adae-2ac4843ccced}" } ] } },
But we have a few thousand classrooms PCs and I need to be able to deploy it via SCCM. Authentication is setup with AD login with the auto-staff group being able to use the master login.
I've set up the basic LDAP tab in the configurator and I've read about people setting up classroom groups but not the details on how they did it.
I'd appreciate so help.
From the main page: "With Veyon you can simply make use of all information already stored on your LDAP or ActiveDirectory server. Configure the LDAP module once and Veyon will keep computer and room information up to date automatically." but how?2nd Edit:
Out host names contain the location, for example, WA409-040 is a PC in WA409 and the PC is number 40.