Anyone using Veyon for computer labs? Pros/Cons, alternatives?
I’m looking to help a non-profits replace their dated equipment in a few of their educational labs. They have been using an ancient and bloated “Internet cafe” program.
Their main want is to be able to monitor all the machines.
They are AD free as each location is rather small. We’re using JumpCloud and Kaseya to manage the machines.
Secondary is to wipe the profile clean on logout, which I’m looking into alternative methods for that. DeepFreeze and others look good, but trying to find a $olution that fits the non-profit budget.
Hi @rino13
Veyon works fine in environments without AD. You can use the the builtin directory to store computer and location information in the local configuration. You mainly have to install the Veyon Service on all computers and make sure a authentication method is set up properly.Managing profiles or user data is beyond the scope of Veyon.