Performance considerations for network
Hi everyone. So I'm considering Veyon as a solution for moderating 15 computers in a computer lab for kids. The lab itself has its own gigabit network switch that all the lab computers go through, isolated from the rest of the building's network. Here's what I'm thinking in my head of how ideally it would be configured and run:
Veyon would be hosted on a headless server in a network cabinet, but the actual facilitator/teacher PC would be what needs to be able to act as the controller. Unfortunately I can't host Veyon on the facilitator PC because it's a USFF that has too limited specs and upgradeability. So is that something that can be done? Hosting the Veyon software on a separate computer (the server in the cabinet) than the computer that will actually be used by a teacher to monitor the kids computers?
Ideally, there should be no notable network performance drops if Veyon is being used on all 15 computers while Roblox is being played on all 15 computers.
I originally had been considering LanSchool, but we're limited on funds so I need to go the free route.
I appreciate any input on this. Thank you so much.