Veyon 4.5.4
We're happy to announce Veyon 4.5.4, the fourth maintenance release of Veyon 4.5.x:
- Core: fix potential crash due to race condition on shutdown
- Demo: refactor server shutdown for better reliability
- Demo: refactor demo server control for better reliability (demo server is now restarted automatically when crashed)
- Linux: ignore missing DPMS for xrdp sessions
- Linux: make key sequence for user login via display manager fully configurable
- Linux: use session path as session ID to avoid missing updates on closed sessions
- Linux: x11vnc: disable SHM for xrdp sessions
- Master: improve save/restore of checked locations/computers to better handle dynamic changes when using the NetworkDiscovery add-on
- Service: always close sessions internally properly so session IDs are reused correctly
- Service: Linux: prevent service from killing itself in some cases
- Service: Linux: send SIGINT/SIGTERM/SIGKILL recursively to terminate server instances and child processes more reliably
- Service: Linux: decrease grace period for server processes
- Service: Linux: actively stop server for closing sessions
- Various PCH-related build system improvements
- Update translations
All downloads for this release are available at