Veyon 4.3.3
We're happy to announce Veyon 4.3.3, the third maintenance release of Veyon 4.3.x:
- AuthKeys: overwrite files when exporting public or private key
- Linux: shutdown VNC server on session change more reliably
- Linux: update 3rdparty component x11vnc (non-critical build-related fixes)
- Linux: drop openSUSE 15.0 builds/packages
- Linux: provide packages for Fedora 30 instead of 29
- Linux: provide packages for CentOS 7.7 instead of 7.4
- Windows: sign all installers and program binaries with Authenticode code signing certificate
- Windows: improve service reliability
- Windows: make service start depend on network drivers and services
- Windows: modernize platform plugin code
- Windows: update libraries (Qt 5.12.8, OpenLDAP 2.4.49)
- Windows: update 3rdparty component UltraVNC (non-critical fixes)
- Windows: update DeskDupEngine DLLs to RC
- Internal build system improvements
- Update translations