Option to restart the Veyon Service on Clients from the Master
@DrewLoker this is already possible - simply enable the "Show confirmation dialog for potentially unsafe actions" option in the master configuration page in Veyon Configurator - see https://docs.veyon.io/en/latest/admin/reference.html#behaviour for details.
Hi. Not sure if this helps but we experience the same issue from time to time and to assist our ICT Teacher, we use this vbs script. All you need to supply it with is the name of the workstation. Its not foolproof but does our job.
Copy the code below into notepad the save it as 'VeyonServiceRestart.vbs' and run it. It will ask you for the workstation name and if workstation is on, it will attempt to restart the service.
' StartService.vbs
' Sample vbscript script to Restart Veyon Remote Desktop Service
' -------------------------------------------------------'
Option Explicit
Dim objWMIService, objService
Dim strService,strComputer,waitTime
strComputer = InputBox ("Computer Name", "Restart Veyon Remote Desktop Service")
Set objWMIservice = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
For Each objService In objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name = '"_
WSCript.Sleep waitTime
WScript.Echo "Your "& strService & " service has Restarted"
WScript.Quit -
I was hoping to see if you were asking for a confirmation prompt. I would like to put the restart button back, but need to have a prompt intercepting an accidental click.
I would like to put the restart button back, but need to have a prompt intercepting an accidental click.
Can you try to upgrade both clients and master to 4.2 RC (4.1.92) to see if the problem still persists?
Hi. Not sure if this helps but we experience the same issue from time to time and to assist our ICT Teacher, we use this vbs script. All you need to supply it with is the name of the workstation. Its not foolproof but does our job.