Wake on lan not working
Hi. The wake on lan is not working when I put parameters of the machines with name, netbios and mac in veyon-configurator. I would like to use veyon master with a machine that is in another network. For example the "master" machine is in but the clients are in 172.16.11.XX for exemple.
I tested with a machine that belong the same type of ip adress and it works fine. For exemple from to the wake on lan is ok.
Any idea to make it work with 2 differents networks? Can we configure the broadcast for example?thanks
First, Check can you connect beyond the different networks to the other devices (bc forewall): You can do that with simple http server, run a server from one of the machines, and open the ip in browser, from the other pc (Or ping)... If you can do that, means that you don't have firewall problems.
Second: Check, have you enabled Wake on Lan in the BIOS settings from the second pc...
Write back, do you have progress. (Sorry for the English)
hello. Yes everything works fine about the BIOS config and the ping. the problem come from the differences of the VLAn. If I am not in the same VLAN : VEYON refuse to wake up the machine. But in the same VLAn the machine wake up fine. Can't we configure many broadcast in VEYON to allow all the subnet ? any another idea?