Installing Veyon
Hey, everyone, I am looking to deploy this is out in my school district. and I just had a few questions. In order to set it up do I have to install the master on the teacher units and the service on the students? Also syncing it through LDAP will allow teachers to log in with their windows login? Can I also include the master inside an image? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, using the same installer (i've used the 4.1.7 release), install first on the teacher computer. Then from there you've to copy the public key created after the install. With it go to all your clients and execute the same installer, BUT now put off the tick from Veyon Master.
After u've finished the configurator will start. From there select in General page the login through file and so in the section with an icon as a key click on import the key (the public key you copied before) and follow the instructions.
I've had no problems in my lab with 30 pc + mine -
@fabriziolongo Thank you so much. Do you happen to have the software preloaded onto your images would that be something that's possible.